
Baptism Classes

Baptism if you are interested in joining a class or would like to know more.

Contact: Jonathan Greaves:

Phone - 01600 716423

email - friends@monmouthbaptistchurch.org.uk



Six sessions - exploring the Message of Jesus from the earliest eye-witnesses.

On Thursdays at 7pm-8.15pm at MBC downstairs in the 'Centenary Room',

You don't need to know anything about the Bible, you won't be asked to pray but there's pelenty of opportunity to ask questions.

For more information contact:

Jonathan on 01600 716423 or email - friends@monmouthbaptistchurch.or.uk


Ladies Bible Study Groups

'Ladies who Love God's Word'

We are a diverse group of women of all ages, Singles , Young Mum's, up to Grandmothers who love to explore God's word and pray together in a relaxing home setting. Babies and Toddlers are also welcome (Held during term time only).

Tuesday Morning - 9.45 am at 2 wallis Close, Osbaston, Monmouth NP25 3NS.

Contact: Jo Walker - on 01600 719449 or 07801 539847

Thursday Evening - 7.30 pm at The Old Cider Mill, Manson, Monmouth NP25 5RE.

Contact: Amanda Endicott - 01600 460473 or 07816303734.

Friday Morning - 9.30 am-11.00 am at The Church in the back room.

Contact: Cat Barker - 01600 228408 or 07762263890.


Men's Breakfast

We meet on Friday mornings at 7.30 am downstairs in the Centenary Room - for breakfast (bacon butty & coffee) followed by our usual Bible Study at 8am.

For more information:contact: Jonathan on 01600 716423


Small Groups

Bible Study & PrayerMBC has four 'Small Home Groups' which meet Every first and third Tuesday of the month, these are:

Dixton Group 17 The Gardens, Monmouth, NP25 3HF

Contact: David & Elaine Adams - 01600 713148

Osbaston Group - 2 Wallis Close, Osbaston Monmouth, NP25 3NS

Contact: Chris & Jo Walker - 01600 719449

Osbaston Ladies Group -  'Rawden', Westfield Road, Osbaston, NP25 3HX

Contact: Helen Hopkins - 01600 712299


Tuesday Evening Fellowship

Dig Deeper|Explore Further|Grow Stronger

We meet together in the MBC Centenary Room on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the Month, 7.30pm.

Contact: Jonathan Greaves for more inflormation on 01600 716423.


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