Baptism Classes
Baptism if you are interested in joining a class or would like to know more.
Contact: Jonathan Greaves:
Phone - 01600 716423
email -
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Baptism if you are interested in joining a class or would like to know more.
Contact: Jonathan Greaves:
Phone - 01600 716423
email -
We are a diverse group of women of all ages, Singles , Young Mum's, up to Grandmothers who love to explore God's word and pray together in a relaxing home setting. Babies and Toddlers are also welcome (Held during term time only).
Tuesday Morning - 9.45 am at 2 wallis Close, Osbaston, Monmouth NP25 3NS.
Contact: Jo Walker - on 01600 719449 or 07801 539847
Thursday Evening - 7.30 pm at The Old Cider Mill, Manson, Monmouth NP25 5RE.
Contact: Amanda Endicott - 01600 460473 or 07816303734.
Friday Morning - 9.30 am-11.00 am at The Church in the back room.
Contact: Cat Barker - 01600 228408 or 07762263890.
We meet on Friday mornings at 7.30 am downstairs in the Centenary Room - for breakfast (bacon butty & coffee) followed by our usual Bible Study at 8am.
For more information:contact: Jonathan on 01600 716423
Bible Study & PrayerMBC has four 'Small Home Groups' which meet Every first and third Tuesday of the month, these are:
Dixton Group - 17 The Gardens, Monmouth, NP25 3HF
Contact: David & Elaine Adams - 01600 713148
Osbaston Group - 2 Wallis Close, Osbaston Monmouth, NP25 3NS
Contact: Chris & Jo Walker - 01600 719449
Osbaston Ladies Group - 'Rawden', Westfield Road, Osbaston, NP25 3HX
Contact: Helen Hopkins - 01600 712299
Dig Deeper|Explore Further|Grow Stronger
We meet together in the MBC Centenary Room on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the Month, 7.30pm.
Contact: Jonathan Greaves for more inflormation on 01600 716423.