
Men's Coffee

Men's Coffee is held every Tuesday, 3pm at 'Coffi Lab', 80-82, Monnow Street, Monmouth.

All Welcome!


Jonathan Greaves

Phone: 01600 716423


Songs of Praise

Songs of Praise is held every 4th Wednesday of the month at Bridges Community Centre, from 2.00 pm-2.45 pm.

Well-known hymns, real life stories and a friendly welcome! Followed by refreshments.

For more infomation or transport please contact Jonathan Greaves:

Phone: 01600 716423

Email: friends@monmouthbaptistchurch.org.uk



Sporting activities for all ages and all abilities all are welcome, including friends or people who aren’t regular visitors to the church - Some events need to be booked in advance and some have Whatsapp groups for full information.


Chris and Jo Walker book badminton slots (currently monthly) at Monmouth
Leisure Centre. Please speak to Chris or Jo Walker if you are interested in joining.


Chris Walker books basketball slots (currently monthly) at Monmouth
Leisure Centre. Please speak to Chris if you’d like to come.


Please speak to James Endicott or Chris Walker to play at Monmouth Tennis
Club's excellent facilities on Monmouth Sportsground and cost £4 per session for nonmembers (free for members).


Jim Barker runs 5 a-side football sessions, currently fortnightly on a Friday at
7pm. If you are interested in joining, please speak to Jim or James Endicott to be added to the Football Whatsapp Group.

Walking Football

We are hoping to set up some walking football sessions, which is great for all ages, please contact James Endicott if you are interested.


If you fancy having a go at all-age Paintballing contact Chris Walker if interested.

For More information please contact:

James Endicott - Phone: 07890 795758 or Email: james.endicott@btinternet.com

Chris & Jo Walker - Phone: 07840 501347 or Email: chrisjowalker@hotmail.co.uk

Jim BarkerPhone: 01274 761999 or Email: cat@purmountain holidays.com


The Art Fringe

The Art Fringe - Open to all We are now meeting on Mondays - 7:00pm - 9:00pm downstairs in the 'Centenary Room'.

An opportunity to practice or enjoy your creative skills in a relaxed, fun atmosphere. This is a session for those who would like to do art with a 'no pressure' therapeutic vibe.

See: @theartfringeclub on Facebook and Instagram.


For more information contact: Berna - theartfringe@gmail.com.


Tuesday Coffee

With 'Food for Thought

Held Tuesday mornings between 10.30 am-12 noon at Claire and Bob's Tea Room, Beaufort Arms, Monmouth - an informal time of thought and reflection during the session.

Join us for Coffee/Tea and cake and chat

Visistors especially welcome!


For more information contact: Jonathan on 01600 716423


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